Thank you to our Community Sponsors!

The businesses listed below have generously made monetary and/or in-kind donations to help support the Malcolm White PTO. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please e-mail us!

The  Malcolm White School PTO is reaching out to local businesses as a request to obtain support for the students and staff at the Malcolm White Elementary School, in Woburn, MA. The PTO is proud to sponsor all school related field trips and in-school enrichment activities at zero cost to the students.

            With that being said, we understand that businesses receive many donation requests throughout the year. We are graciously asking that you please consider including the PTO, which gives us the ability to support the educational, enrichment, and supply needs of the students, teachers, and staff. 

            Over the past few years, the PTO has shifted its fundraising efforts from “traditional” school fundraisers to more community engaging fundraisers. Our two primary fundraisers are the Tiger Trot, where students walk or wheel their way around as many laps as they want and Tiger Trivia Night, which provides a fun, adults-only event for the Woburn Community.

            This change in approach to fundraising, reflects our beliefs that as a PTO at a school where almost half of the student population’s households are facing socioeconomic disadvantages, creating a fundraising program that allows all students at the school to participate regardless of socioeconomic status and/or disability, is essential.

            In-line with this change to our fundraising efforts, we have recognized the need to highlight the community support received by businesses each year. In order to better track this greatly valued support we have created a formal recognition program, outlined on the following pages. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any further questions and thank you!



Malcolm White School PTO 
Community Support Donation Levels


Donation/Gift Value



$0 – $199



$200 – $299



$300 – 399



$400 +



2022 – 2023 MW PTO: Current Initiatives & Funding Needs



Reason for Need

Quantity/ Occurrence

Individual Cost

Total Cost

In-school Educational Enrichment

To supplement classroom learning

1 per grade (6)



Field Trips

Educational Trip to supplement classroom learning

1 per grade (6)



Playground/Recess Equipment

Provide items to support outside play





Ensure that all students can purchase an item from the bookfair




Halloween Float

Community event; provide supplies for float

Once a year


Thank you to Murray’s Towing for 2022 Truck Donation!

MW Community Day

One day to clean up the school grounds

Once a year



5th Grade Celebration

Celebrate MW Student’s accomplishments (pizza party, “fun” event, yearbook)

Once a year



Teachers & Staff Support

Assist with obtaining supplies for the classroom/ school as needed




Teachers & Staff Appreciation

Provide appreciation breakfasts; break room snacks

1 event a month i.e. breakfast or break room snacks; Teacher Appreciation Week


$2,000 for Food & Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week; buying items from their wish list etc.


The PTO would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to the following
Woburn Businesses who have provided support with either direct or in-kind donations for the 

2022 – 2023 School Year:

Cummings Community Giving
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